#468: Some Girls [The Rolling Stones, 1978]
They were one of the biggest commercial forces of the '60s, achieved their highest critical acclaim in the '70s, but in the '80s they were no longer artistically relevant. Thus, this is the Stones' last hurrah. The Rolling Stones were always a bit of a cosplay band, and this is on full display on their 14th/16th album. They're a disco band on Miss You - like Chic, but probably more like Wild Cherry - they do a respectable imitation of punk on Respectable, and they're almost too faithful to a MOR country band on Far Away Eyes. Lyrically, they sparked a Money for Nothing-style debate on whether parodying stereotypes only strengthens their power on the title track, but they were more viciously satirical about evangelicals in Bakersfield on Far Away Eyes. But I like the Stones best when they're imitating a blues rock band - When the Whip Comes Down is my favourite song. 4/5.